About Navabiz

At Navabiz, our mission is to empower and uplift entrepreneurs across diverse sectors, offering practical advice and support to help them navigate the path to success.

microphone on stage

Michelle’s journey is a culmination of years spent immersed in the entrepreneurial realm. Her extensive experience includes listening to countless pitches, collaborating with entrepreneurs to advance their businesses, initiating her own ventures, and generously dedicating her time to support non-profits and the startup community.

Having spent a couple of decades immersed in the entrepreneurial world, Michelle developed a keen eye for common stumbling blocks that founders encounter. Her unique perspective allowed her to spot unnoticed trends and challenges.

Michelle’s thirst for knowledge and personal growth led her to dive into a sea of business books, drawing wisdom from the experiences of others and expanding her horizons. She observed that many bestsellers in the field often revolved around success stories in the tech industry, culminating in significant financial gains. However, she recognized that many individuals are starting businesses in various other industries, and the lessons from these tech-centric narratives might not always apply.

table stacked with books
idea carved in wood

Driven by a deep desire to provide everyday entrepreneurs with valuable insights and tailored guidance, Michelle embarked on the journey that led to the creation of Navabiz. Her mission is clear: to offer strategic support and practical advice that empowers entrepreneurs to succeed in their distinct endeavors. With Michelle’s vision and dedication, Navabiz was born, bridging the gap between conventional business wisdom and the unique challenges faced by entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds and industries.